ECOLE NATIONALE D’ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE is a small University with sites in cities across the Province of Quebec.
This Good Friday – Pray for Quebec! Pray for this Campus!

If you want to be trained at a French speaking university, specifically in Public Administration at the Master’s or PhD level, then ECOLE NATIONALE D’ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE (ENAP) is where you should plan to study. Here approximately 2000 graduate level students are preparing to be key leaders in their fields because they are passionate for how good governence shapes communities.
Even though the main campus located in Quebec City is small, ENAP has other sites across the Province of Quebec in cities like Montreal, Gatineau, Trois-Rivieres, Sherbrooke, and Saguenay. Committed followers of Christ are needed in all these cities!
The main ENAP campus in the heart of Quebec City has only one known evangelical church nearby.
So the point is clear. Jesus lived and died and rose again so students at ENAP across the Province of Quebec could be set free from the power of sin, and find LIFE in Christ.
Here, as is true of all the Forgotten 50 campuses we need two things; new churches planted, and Christians on campus who can be the hands and feet of Jesus to these communities.
What will it take for you to SERIOUSLY consider stepping out in faith to plant a church and reach out to ENAP in Quebec? Call Kelly at 604-226-2416. Let’s start the praying and conversation!!