Why are they forgotten? The students and university communities of smaller campuses are often overlooked, because of their small size and location. Such is the case for CEGEP DE SAINT-HYACINTHE #8 on the Forgotten 50 list. This innovative campus is located in the small town of Saint-Hyacinthe, population near 50,000, about an hour east of […]
Suburbia Montreal is Number 6 on the Forgotten Fifty Top 50 List
Located just south of downtown Montreal is the city of Longueuil Quebec. This city of close to 250,000 residents is the second largest suburb of Montreal and home to CEGEP EDOUARD-MONTPETIT. This campus is a large college of over 7000 students, that includes Canada’s National Aerospace Engineering school with over 1300 students, including dorms/residence that […]
Small University Campuses across Quebec need Jesus!
ECOLE NATIONALE D’ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE is a small University with sites in cities across the Province of Quebec. This Good Friday – Pray for Quebec! Pray for this Campus! If you want to be trained at a French speaking university, specifically in Public Administration at the Master’s or PhD level, then ECOLE NATIONALE D’ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE (ENAP) […]
Just Northwest of Montreal is #4 COLLÈGE LIONEL-GROULX, SAINTE-THÉRÈSE
#4 on the List is the Collège Lionel-Groulx in Sainte-Therese, Quebec. This amazing french speaking campus northwest of Montreal is close enough to the big city, that students can enjoy city life in Montreal when they want, yet still be a part of an smaller college community. Although this campus is quite beautiful and offers […]
Small University Town in Nova Scotia, is Home to #3 on the Forgotten 50 List
Saint Francis Xavier University is a renowned Catholic University that began in the small town of Antigonish, Nova Scotia in 1853. Today, nearly 5000 students study here, roughly the same size as the town for a total population of close to 10,000 people. This is a quintessential Canadian university town, a few hours drive from […]
What’s a Cégep?
A Cégep is a 2-3 year college in Quebec, that usually functions like a feeder school to the larger universities. Though many of these campuses offer technical training programs also. Important to know, given that 27 of the Top 50 Forgotten campuses in North America are Cégep’s. For more info about Cégep’s, watch this YouTube […]
Great News from Halifax!
In the urban heart of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is the Forgotten 50 campus, No. 1 on the list – St. Mary’s University. What a beautiful and influential campus! Click here for more information. We recently heard the amazing news that a strong campus ministry, Power to Change (CRU) exists on the campus! Please pray for […]
The Forgotten 50 in Vancouver, British Columbia
This is my city, Vancouver. Soaring snow capped mountains, Orca’s swimming in our beautiful waters, and people… so many people from all over the world. It’s a missionary paradise! Yet there is a troubling side to Vancouver. In the midst of it’s outward beauty, is a hard reality. Vancouver is lost and dying without Jesus! […]
2 Forgotten 50 Campuses in Gatineau, Quebec

The city of Gatinaue, Quebec sits directly across a river from the capital of Canada – Ottawa. This area has approximately 1.4 million people, yet there are so few evangelical churches, or campus ministries, particularly on the Quebec side of the river. That’s why these two campuses made the Forgotten 50 list…. #34: UNIVERSITE DU […]
A New Beginning!

2018 was a great year regarding the Forgotten 50. The one word which best describes the year might be AWARENESS. Many are now aware of the need to see churches planted and campus ministries started on the least reached/evangelized campuses in all of North America. As you know all of the top 50 are in […]