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May 10 2019


Why are they forgotten? The students and university communities of smaller campuses are often overlooked, because of their small size and location. Such is the case for CEGEP DE SAINT-HYACINTHE #8 on the Forgotten 50 list. This innovative campus is located in the small town of Saint-Hyacinthe, population near 50,000, about an hour east of a drive from Montreal.

Almost all of the larger campus ministries in Canada, such as InterVarsity, or Power to Change – Students, focus on reaching the larger, more well known campuses. And the denominational campus ministries, like Baptist Student Ministry, are also usually not present on small campuses. We do not intend to overlook these university communities…yet, it happens everyday!

In Luke 15:3-7, Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep. He reminds us that God’s heart is to GO AFTER THE ONE. The parables that follow, the lost coin, and the lost son, also remind us that God loves us so much, that no sacrifice is too great, in order to see one person repent…and then we CELEBRATE!!!

So the question today for you and I is this; What must we sacrifice in order to have the same heart of God for the lost and go after the community at CEGEP DE SAINT-HYACINTHE? Can you imagine with me the celebration that will take place on heaven and on earth, when even 1 person comes to embrace Jesus as LORD and Saviour?

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